This Natural Plant Print is a completely ecological print, with only natural flowers, fruits & leaves. Each piece is unique, as each leaf or flower. The pigments vary from each plant, from the time & place of harvesting.
This is a slow process following nature cycles, placing one by one the plant elements, allowing the natural colours to migrate & then fix them to the cotton fibres.
Besides the beauty of having printed natural leaves or flowers on our garments, it connects us with it.
Follow us in this adventure discovering different plants and let them inspire us.
The Eucaliptus, has a remarkable ability to quickly re-sprout from dormant buds following damage from drought or fire.
The Robinia, is a nectar source for bees , controls erosion and is used for soil enrichment.
The Oak is one of the most loved trees in the world. It’s a symbol of strength, resistance, knowledge, and wisdom.
The process:
Leave the garment on Rock Alum to allow the cotton fibres to open and receive the natural pigments.
Rock Alum bath for Plant print
Apply the leaves & flowers on the garment,
Plant Print, Oak leaves- hand made
Roll it up in bundles:
Natural Plant print process
and proceed to steam these bundles to transfer the leaves pigments to the fabric. After some days, open the bundles, iron them to fix further the colours.
Washing machine wash is important to let go the colours that have not been fixed.
Every time it’s a surprise, as there are many variables that we cannot control, which can modify the results. And this is nature too!