New Normal in 2021, a New Star(t)
By Be Quality | Comments: 0 | January 5, 2021How do you think the new normal in 2021 will be like?
Not only from my personal experience, but also from many people I know, it’s impossible to think on going back to the ‘normal life’ we were having before 2020.
Incredibly, we found ourselves in a worldwide situation we never though we would face, in the 21st century! With all the technology & the knowledge we have!! At the beginning I felt it was like being in the middle of a fiction film. Very surreal.
On this journey, many of us have been forced to change completely our lifestyle. And this has been key to understand many aspects we were not considering before. Specially, how lucky we are in comparison to thousands of people around the world, that were having (and still have) very critical moments.
The first thing that happened to me is that I became more aware of how my actions can impact people I do not know, and I will never know. Eventhough I thought I was already moving in this direction in many aspects, I could see it was really little. In other words, I understood how through our actions, we can make good to the collectivity. Even if it’s one action a day. No matter how small or big it is, even a smile to an stranger in the street, can make a difference.
Unexpectedly, I got in contact with old friends, and discovered we had much more in common than we thought. This was a great gift, as we supported each other in this journey, with few messages, few contacts, but meaningful. And this is what I want to take with me on my new normal in 2021.
Another interesting discovery I did is how easy it is to grow our own vegetables.This all started with a very mature tomato, and the supermarkets half empty. This made me think that I better try to plant this very mature tomato instead of trowing it away. And magic happened: many tomato plants grew!! The feeling of having the tomatoes for the salad from my plants was amazing. So in this new era I will continue this experiment with other vegetables & fruits.
I also started to feel comfortable ‘stopping’. This was something I could never ever immagine. I was always super efficient and active 7 days a week. When I was not active, I felt ‘guilty’ for ‘loosing’ time, and very uncomfortable inside. My first reaction during the lockdown was: I will continue to work hard, even harder than before, as this is what is needed to keep the bussiness running. On time I could see it was useless, as nothing I could do would change the situation. Consequently, I started to reduce my working hours and dedicating more space to my personal life. Now I am enjoying it, and this will be a big part of my new normal in 2021.
Further, I took the time to read pubblications of inspiring people, like Courtney Carver, who tought me many things. Her journey started when she discovered to be seriously ill. And she chose to change her life, to a much better quality of life. I hope you find it interesting too, and let her inspire you on any aspect that makes your life better! You can read her last article here :
Even if I am a very social person I also enjoy a lot being alone. I love hugging and touching people I love (don’t worry, only close friends and family, if they enjoy it too). In the respect of the social distancing, and the impossibilities to travel to visit family & friends, I really noticed how hard this was for me. I understood even more how important it is for our physical and mental health. So whenever the social distance is finished I will surely appreciate more this close moments and will find the way to visit family and friends more frequently.
Moreover, some interesting discoveries of this 2020 year were some new eating & training habits that I am following today. Eventhough I am not that constant, I really feel the difference in my energy and my wellbeing. And this is only the start…
I know our lives have changed forever at different levels. We have been forced to break somehow our lifestyles. In my case, these events that I could not control, made me question if my way of living was making me happy, healthy, and was contributing to the society. In short, I realised how true it is that it’s in our own hands to choose how we want our lives to be. Independently of external events. During these last months I realised there were many other options I could not think of before, that are even better, not only for me but also for the collectiveness. I hope you have made similar discoveries and create a meaningful New Normal in 2021!